06 November 2010

Don't You Realized?

As I promise before, I will post about AAA, again? Yes, sorry because being so boring lately. Macam dah takda tajuk lainn dah nak post. Baca blog orang lain yaa, next year baru saya tak cakap pasal dia dah*sebab dia dah cakap dia tak suka kat saya KOT! Already read the chat box? Yes, it's happened today, morning. Terkejut juga tengok dia online pagi-pagi buta. Selalu lelaki bangun lambat kann? Kann? Kann? Apa lahh yang saya merepek ni. Ohh, pasal AAA, mari kita kembali bercerita pasal dia. Before this ada tak baca entry yang full with fucking words? AAA, I'm sorry because being so emotional. After post the "fucking" entry, I am the one who start to said "woot" after I keep waiting for him *refer to the chat box. I guess I want to end this kind of feeling, the last chat we had will be the last. After this malas dah nak syok sendiri but tiba tiba dia macam give me the hope back. Bila I said "bubyeee, and sorry AAA" and he asked "what is wrong with me?". What is wrong with me? Damnn, AIZAD AZIZI, I suka gila gilaa dekat you, takkan tak sedar lagi?! *fuhhh* and he said kalau ada apa apa, just tell him. So, susahhh gila nak let him go. Aegyoo, damnnn hardd! What should I do? Dolah's and Mia's asked me to take the step first but I'm fucking shy!

AAA <3

jangan lah bagi I syok lebih :(

apa kata you try
mana tahu dia diam diam ke ?
I try?
kalau dia taknak?
takmaw lah
buat segan jee
taksalah mencuba
tapi kalau dah malu
muka nak letak mana dolah
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letak dalam icecream koperasi

kejam gilaa
nak kena sekehhh ke?
ejat tengah single tu
try ahh cepat
segan ohh
you cakap senang lahh
Abdullah Esmael is offline.