16 July 2011
Continue The Journey
Alhamdulillah, tak dapat lah nak berjuang dekat kem PLKN, hihi Sorry kay haja, tak dapat lah nak teman you berkayak sesama :D Happy sangat sebab lepas habis SPM boleh buat plan plan yang telah di rancang. I will search for a job, cari duit poket sendiri while waiting for the result. Well takpayah nak fikir pasal PLKN, I need to focus on trial and SPM. Btw sorry for the rare update, I only can use the internet on the weekend. Hari hari sekolah semua benda di cabut dan di simpan termasuk lah x-box, haih Hell yes! It's working, dah tak kisah sangat kalau tak online Facebook sehari dua. Phone pun tak guna sangat, text with Aizad pun dah jarang. I will study from 7.00 until 9.30. Sharp 10.00 o'clock off to bed. Simple rules to get a bright future :)