08 July 2011

Express Post!

I don't know what the heck is wrong with me. I'm having critical time to re-design my blog still I'm not satisfied enough. A lot of thing i should post, but later. I need to continue digging all the beautiful, gorgeous blog that can be my inspiration. Well, Aizad is at his home. I just meet him this evening, he seem different with his new nerdy hair cut. But I like it, kemas okay? Baru ah macam ghupa student. I miss Abang Fly for many reasons. Ntah bila bila dia nak download skype, slow betul abang aku ni. Currently I'm having an issue with someone. And you best friend, I'm tired of saying sorry. Aku tak buat salah aku rasa so aku takkan mintak maaf. Penat duh, even aku tak salah aku kena mintak maaf? Sial sangat dah tu. Aku bukan jenis yang ikut kepala hotak orang je, aku pun ada ego. Lu fikir kay? Kalau kau best friend aku, act nice and think about other best friends feeling. Semua kena jaga perasaan orang lain. Perasaan sendiri tak terjaga. Payah cakap dengan orang keras kepala ni -.- That's all, I guess for this quick update. By the way, I already watched Transformers 3 on the second day of the movie have been released out. Cool enough? I know! Haha Okay guys, will update asap!