My mom is the best cooker in the whole universe. I do not lie. She decide nak buat home business. Which is she sell by an order or I bring to school depend on her mood. Kadang kadang berbulan tak bawak. Before this I explode my business life by selling chocolate Oreo. Kay aku buat sendiri. Ramai yang beli sebab sedap. Diaorang taktau aku letak taik hidung dalam choclate tu. Hahaha joking guys :) I bet my school mates dah bosan makan benda yang sama. Past few weeks, I sold apam polka dot & also muffin chocolate. Sangat laku. I juts put on my class table. Bila free time classmates datang beli, haha :p What a happy business life. So now on, mama decide nak jual macaroni cheese kat sekolah. By tomorrow I will sell it. Malu? Should I? Ntah lah maybe because minat nak selling ni. Best apa dapat duit, the smell of money pheww! Dalam otak aku senang je aku fikir. Kalau takda orang jual makanan, meniaga ni ada korang merasa makanan yang sedap. Lagi kesian kalau ada orang yang jarang dapat rasa makanan yang sedap. Lagi lagi their mom tak pandai masak, parah wehh :( Kesian tau kalau sampai macam tu. My mind set senang "Takda orang meniaga takda korang merasa".
This macaroni cheese have three different sizes. Small for RM 1.50.Medium for Rm 3.00 and large for RM 8.00. I already try eat so many times. It taste daymmm nice maynn! Phewww now mama cakap if kitaorang adik beradik temrasuk babah nak makan kena beli. takda free kat rumah ni. My Lord haha :p
Chocolate muffin. One for 5o cents. Arna suka ambik all the chocolate chips dekat top of the muffins lain and put on her muffin. So not fair lah that girl. My classmates memang suka makan this muffins and also apam polka dot. But I don't eat chocolate. That's why aku tak pernah dapat chocolate from Aizad hewhew :3
This is my peberet cake in the whole world. This cake can beat Secret Recipe's cake. Trust me hihihi :3 This one 1/2 kilo's for RM45 while the other one. 1 kilo's for RM90. I just help my mother gain extra money since belanjawan negara 2012 tak bagi elaun for full time housewife :p