04 November 2010

Should I Do This?

Yesterday, when I'm online at Arna's house, she keep disturbing me, GRRRR
Nak kena kahwin dengan D's ke? Taknak kannn? So, go away :)
First thing when I'm online, I'll check all the notifications and requests.
After done doing it, I will check whether he on the line or not.
If he doesn't, I'll updating my blog and do other stuff.
If he does, I will wait and keep waiting him, to say "hey" first.
And today, after doing all the stuff because he is not on the line.
Suddenly, he start the conversation and say "hey" first.
Maybe because yesterday, I'm saying that he being so "friendly" with me, maybe.
Sumpahh nyahh, I terkejut :)
So, bila dia nak off, he type "take care" semua.
Then, where is the double love? ingatkan nak buat dulu but takpe, tunggu dulu.
A few secs later, there it is, the double love

Thank you for making me smile, it's more than enough.

Take a look :)

hey :)

hey*terkejut :O

okay , you memang selalu terkejut when i say hye -,-

teh ais mana?
haha , semalam i lepak maju btang hidung you pun i tak nampak :D
macam mana nak belanja
Azmie cakap korang lepak KFC
i gerak lah KFC
I nampak Dolah je
lepas balik pasar
huh ? mana ada lepak kfc -,-
ypu nampak dolah pukul berapa ?
around 7,
I park dekat Maju
taknampak pun youu
oh , i duduk kat luar yang belakang tu lah
memang lah tak nampak
ohh, i see
tak dapat lah nak jumpa
haha , so whatcha doin ?
tak pergi mana mana ?
updating blog, like always
jogging kot petang ni
oh , nanti i baca eh blog you ? :D

doposen dulu
haha , doposen je ? sikit sangat tu -,-
you don't mind if I put your picture on my blog?
*takut takut
err , entah . biar lah . i dont mind :)

you lepak maju lagi ke today?
idk lah , i susah nak keluar rumah sekarang ni -,-

baru nak belanja
eleeeeeeh ! you nak belanja i ? -,-

taknak sudahh
HA HA HA okay . i tunggu -,-

takde takde
I nak jogging today
susah susah
haha , okay . ehh
i nak makan lah ,
later chat lagi okay ?
take care :)
okok :)
byee :) ♥♥
dah dah


blushing blushing~

*I suka tengok your picture pakai yellow tee's :)