07 January 2011

Second Day Of School


I woke up on 6.15, Mama woke us up. What I mean is, I and two other siblings, Nadira and Najiha. Alarm bunyi on 5.30, then terus terlajak. Siapa siapa entah set alarm pukul 5.30 --' Mama just bebel sikit then cepat cepat mandi, solat and breakfast! I ate cereal, ehem ehem. Najah like cereals :D I bring carypuff to school as my bekal, cute kan? Dah form 5 pun bawak bekal, sukahati titew lah, awak cibuk napew? ishhh :P Makcik kantin, nampak nya, tahun ni pun saya tak melaburkan duit dekat kantin makcik lah, sorryyy :( I sampai sekolah with a b-b-b-b-big smile on my face. Seronoknyaa jadi senior, haha :D Macam biasa lah, beratur, perhimpunan start. Sang school song and listen teachers speech. Okay, saujana rules getting suck! Botol mineral water takboleh bawa ke kelas yang boleh hanya lah botol botol air yang ada corak corak, alah yang macam brand BROS tu. Mengada lah sekolah ni, benci benci! Nak pindah Putrajaya lah macam ni ;) All the koperasian need to wait at the lobby. Okay, sedih lah jugak sebab Syahmi and Zakry and also Nisa, will move to Teknik. Kinda boring lah Koperasi nanti :( I'm gonna miss Syahmi and Zakri stupid jokes. Study hard okeh adik adik, haha :D Err, Riz Firzan sah menjadi Pengerusi Pengawas Koperasi, damnnnnnnnn! Actually, ramai yang takboleh nak terima because Riz macam malas sikit, kalau kita marah pun, he just ignore it. Biar lah dia. Saya takda jawatan lah awak, sebab saya ALK. ALK stand for AHLI LEMBAGA KOPERASI :) I think ALK macam tinggi lah jugak jawatan dia *nak jugak, haha :P Okay, saya jumpa Nik yang comel tu, grrrr After the meeting end, I walk to class., ALONE! Ya Allah, punya lah penat, rasa macam nak tercabut dah my legs, fuhhhhhhhhh :'( Sampai class, dengan muka ketat, my place ada orang duduk pulak. I put my bag atas meja arna, and I said "weyy, blah!". Aku dah lah penat naik tangga, then sampai kelas tengok kau buat bodoh je, memang hangin lah wa. Bila dia dah blah, i set at my place and I smile at my girls, haha :D Diaorang cakap I menakutkan, errr --' Tak baik tau, takmo kawan dengan korang. First period is Sivic and it's over, the next period is Pendidikan Jasmani. Saya kena pergi kelas sebelah sebab all the boys dah masuk my class, ishhhh! Cikgu Maliha is so niceeeeee! I mean it, she is sooo niceeeeee! We didn't study anything yet. She let us do our own work. Okay, I and Arna didn't make any revision. I and Arna talk about "something". And the "something" gossip continue sampai time Maths. Teacher Anna's is not coming. So, we freeeeeeee! I, Arna's and Bella's talk about "something". Finally, big big secret is reveal. Kalau Bella tak cerita, I and Arna will never know the "something". We gossiping about "something" sampai rehat, fuhhhhh :D Rehat? I and Arna accompany Lee's to buy book . Tengah berautur tiba tiba Iqa's come and said "AAT ada dekat kanting". I and Lee's already shout and run, but tiba tiba I cakap "lee, tudung tudung", HAHA I thought AAA pun ada but sampai je kantin, ada AAT and D je. Ouh, nevermind :( So, I teman Lee pergi jumpa AAT and I asked them where is AAA, "AAA pergi ambik driving license lah". Ouh, he didn't say anything about that to me. We talk and talk, all the students just look at us. It's kinda weird, apa pandnag pandang? Tak pernah jumpa Afiq Azlan dengan Abdullah Esmael Islam ke? --' The F guy pulak makan satu table dengan tempat we lepak lepak. Alahai, cuteeeeeeeee! AAT want ice cream so badly, gila betul budak ni, kat luar tak boleh beli ke? Kitaorang busy with school books, can you undertsnad dear Afiq Azlan? Then, AAT and D pergi smoking with Syahmi Badri. I and Lee's walk back to canteen and after that pergi koperasi balik sebab Lee didn't buy her book yet. Arna's pun ada. Kitaorang pusing je tiba tiba AAT and D ada, errr. For god sake, aku taktahu pun Arna. Sorry. Arna just jalan je, tak padang D langsung. IDK, there's something happened between them, and malas I nak tolong. D is so ego --' Arna dah sampai Koperasi dulu, then a few minutes later baru I jalan pergi Koperasi. I stop dekat AAT and D dulu, marah marah D. i walk to Koperasi and Arna dah diam je. Tiba tiba the F guy said "ehh adik fly datang". I just ignore him. Ni baru ingat ni, the F guy ada tegur I, but I ignore him. Alahai, sorry F, tomorrow I will approch you k? Kenapa dia tegur saya? Ahhhhhhh! Jangan buat saya syok dekat awak ye F guy :( D is so annyoing, suruh tegur Arna pun malu. Lee's already stuck with them. so, I and Arna lalu jalan lain balik nak pergi kantin. Then, I walk back to them. I scold D so hard, then AAT pun marah D. Yeayy, kita gng Afiq, haha :D Sudenly, D said "you tahu tak, time you mintak bag ni dekat AAA, dia tanya I nak bagi ke tak, I cakap lah bagi je lah, kau ukan sekolah lagi pun. You text dengan AAA semua I tahu" Ouchhh, it's hurt me. But I pretend to laugh and smile. Macam tu sekali? So, selama ni aku syok sendiri lah? I wanna cry that time, seriously, I feel like nak guling guling and cry hardly. Kalau taknak bagi cakap lah. Commerce? I'm so dowwnnnnnn! Frankly speaking, I don't have any mood to stuy the first chapter. I wanna cry and screaaaaaaaaaaam out loud! But, I feel much better after I share with Arna and my girls. Arna cakap "kau jangan text dia ke apa ke. kau tunggu dia text kau. Bila dia dah text kau reply and baru kau tanya. Dia ikhlas ke tak bagi bag tu dekat kau". FYI, I bawa bag tu pergi rehat tadi that's why lah D talk about it. FORGET IT! Every time I pergi toilet I will pass by kelas F and I didn't look at him pun, maluuuu :D Nak tengok sesengat tapi, takpayah lah. When Cikgu Zalin habis mengajar, I went to toilet with Arna, and F guy ada dekat toilet lelaki. And I just look at him. Okay, no negative thinking please, ada cikgu depan pintu toilet lelaki tu, tengah marah marah diaorang. Bila I lalu, I look inside the toilet and he look at me. Awwwwwwww, so damnnnnnnnnnnn cuteeeee! I don't think anything about AAA, because I'm so down to think about him. Dia main main kan I je ke? All the <3<3?