02 April 2011

The Second Part

The second part of Fought & Back To Normal. I should just continue typing at the entry but it way much longer than what I though. Kalau dah panjang sangat entry tu mesti takda orang nak baca sampai habis kan? Kalau orang tak baca sampai habis, I also will not do the exact thing, haha :P

Back to the story. It happened on 28th March, on Monday. I know on the Monday evening, ada rehearsal Perlantikan Pengawas Koperasi 2011. But I'm not so sure about it sebab last week Cikgu cakap last minute takut cancel ke apa ke. So, bila pagi tu habis je perhimpunan, macam biasa lah ada perjumpaan pengawas koperasi, baru lah confirm yang ada rehearsal. I tak sempat bagitau Mama and also AAA. On my mind dah fikir macam macam. Macam mana lah AAA nanti. Selalu pukul 1.30 je confirm confirm I dah text dia, mesti dia tunggu text i, haihh :/ Habis sekolah pukul 1.05 terus gerak pergi kat Mama. explain kat Mama apa semua but heaven help me, Mama cakap pukul 2.20 Mama ]dah datang ambik. Boleh lah balik cepat then terus text AAA. Rehearsal start pukul 2.00, what do you expect? Rehearsal for 20 minutes, tak semenggah langsung -.-

Sampai je rumah terus cari phone. Punya lah payah cari phone, mana mana ntah dah letak, GRRR Lagi nak cepat lagi lah banyak hal jadi -___-' Try call guna phone rumah but hell I forget that I off my phone, teehheeee :P Bila dah jumpa, on phone and a lot of text and also missed call. I don't mind about that but I don't know why I felt annoyed with AAA. Dah lah baru balik from rehearsal yang tak semenggah tu then terus hadap text yang pissed me off.

Bila dah jadi macam tu terus lah jadi hal nak break ke apa ni, yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Bila dah settle down, we back to normal. Cool kan? Lepas ni gaduh lagi, lepas tu okay balik. And hell, bila cerita kat my girls, semua back up AAA, cian at titew :(