11 January 2012
Forever Bff's
After SPM, we had a major fought. Ego and all stuff conquer all of us. But because of our friendship as a bff, all turn back to normal. Between Nabilah and I semua dah okay. It's okay lah, dia nak start kerja on 1st December. I need to understand. Maybe she want using money. I don't mind, dia ada hak dalam her own life. About Arna, I'm so sorry. The story is after dah otp dengan your mom. Aku terus straight tanya my mom boleh tak aku kerja dengan kau kat Secret Recipe, TM Twoer, Bangsar. rasa bersalah bila your mom macam cakap yang dia amibik hantar apa semua. Dia cakap okay. Aku pun dah happy. Malam tu, mama aku cerita kat my dad pulak. But he disagree. Sebab dia cakap nak aku settle license apa semua. Bukan aku taknak kerja dengan kau. Aku nak. Kerja kat Secret Recipe pulak tu. InsyaAllah, one day bila kita semua dah ada license, have own car. Kita cari kerja sama sama and try work for one month kay? So semalam my mom cakap Arna's mom nak datang rumah ambik barang. I didn't talk much because of our condition. Tak tegur apa semua. That time aku tengah settle up pilih courses for UPU. Then I tweet you. After a few tweets then I asked you if we friend or not. Then you reply..
Only Allah know how I felt. Tears drop automatically. I'm happy and I'm sad at the same time. Finally, our friendship back to normal. Alhamdulillah. One day we go to disco skate or ice skating kay? Bila semua off on same day ;) xx