13 December 2010


Ciss, sudah lama patik mendiamkan diri dan memendam perasaan. Sudah penat patik memikirkan siapakah gerangan tuan hamba si anonymous. Jangan tuan hamba menakutakn patik seperti mana AAA menakutkan patik. AAA suka menakutkan patik dengan cerita hantu yang headless belaan baginda. Bedebah si AAA ini(!) Patik sudah menukar URL blog patik tetapi bagaimana tuan hamba boleh ada juga? Tuan hamba menakutkan patik sahaja.

Okay, back to normal :)

You, mister or miss anonymous. I tahu dia suka siapa from his Facebook wall. I baca dari mula sampai habis wall Aizad. I taktahu kenapa I nak sangat baca wall dia, bila I dah baca I rasa regret tahap dewa because of something like this I cried like I'm gonna lost him one day. I tahu itu dulu, tapi I selalu fikir about this. But, after AAA dah explain I feel much better. When you said "now dia ada you kan", I feel like I love him more and more, I tahu I'm not in a relationship with him but I suka the way he treat me, he text me, call me and more. I feel like I need him every single time. My mother seems fine I'm with him, when I talk about AAA with Mama, she will listen well to my story. But, Abang keep pushing me to forget AAA. I asked him who should I couple with?! There is no one can treat me like AAA does. AAA is different. He didn't push me, he give me times to share the story, he likes my best friend, he know me well like my girls does.

Anonymous, if you are one of AAA friend. Please, you need to help me. When I start to think negatively, stop me from that kind of thinking. I know you are really nice person. Whoever and wherever you are I wish one day you gonna tell me who you are because i wanna thank you and hug you. Thanks anonymous :) I love youuuuuuu