06 December 2010

I'm A Teenage Girl

It's a lot of differences when I'm just a little kid and a young teenage grow up girl. When I'm just a little kid, there is no hot guys gonna take a look at me because I'm just a little kid. But, when I already grow up. My fashion change into more feminine and girlish, of course there's a lot of guys gonna say "hi" or something or "ushar". Nahh, this kind of situation also happen on all the girls, am I right? Don't deny it, I'm a girl and I know it.

First situation :-

On 4th December, my family took dinner at Pizza Hut near Kota Damansara. When we just arrived, I saw most of their workers are school student. Part-time job maybe. They keep smiling and what did you guys expect from me? Make a fuck face because I don't like it or ignore them. I need to smile at them back, so, the will never labeled me as arrogant girl. When, we already took our dinner, suddenly, Mama talked with "AMIR", okay, Mama said his face is so innocent and handsome, errr, a little bit. Then, I walked near them, and suddenly, Mama said

"Anak makcik pun form four*and look at me"

"AMIR" just smile and so do I :)

Then, he said

"Nanti datang lagi ya makcik"

and she replied,


So, Abang walked in front of me and suddenly "AMIR" said "bye". I just smile and Naufal suddenly said "EEEEE, orang tu cakap bye dekat Angah!" LOUDLYYYYY! OHMYGOD! I'm blushing and Mama pun sukaa, bukan main Mama yaa -,-

Second situation :

I went to Subang Parade yesterday. Bought my sibling school stuffs. There's also a guitar and drum festival under Yamaha. I loikeee their drummer, coooooool(!) Back to the story, when we went to school stuff, to buy a shoes, all the promoters are school student, again. Duhh, I also want to do part-time job, so that I can go to K-POP Party 2011. Most of the promoters are guys :)

Then, Mama asked him

"Tingkatan berapa?"

He replied

"Tingkatan empat"

Suddenly, my Lil sis, Najiha said

"Ehh, sama dengan Angah, tingkatan empat jugak"

That guy already smiling and so do Mama, and I? Already run away, I'm blushing okay!

Seriously, kadang kdadang when this kind of situation happened, I feel I'm too small and all people near me it's like a big fat giant :D